Grades 11-12
Learn key aspects of personal money management including budgeting, investing, using credit, recognizing the role income plays in personal finances, discovering the importance of planning financial decisions, and more!
In class or online
Volunteer-led, educator-led, student self-directed or a blend of these methods
Instructional time: 4 hours
Canadian youth are growing up in a time when spending is easier than ever and debt is a way of life. This problem is exacerbated by hectic family schedules, leaving parents with little time to teach their children about money management. Limited resources in schools mean that they are also not able to teach students critical financial skills that will keep them out of debt and help them succeed in life.
Personal Finance teaches students personal money management skills including the key elements of personal finance such as spending wisely, budgeting, saving, investing and using credit. Program volunteers employ interactive lessons to boost students’ self-confidence, so they can apply their new knowledge to their lives immediately.
By the end of the program, students will have a personal finance plan and clear goals for their financial security.
Like other JA programs, Personal Finance is curriculum-linked, student-centered and skills-focused.
Key Outcomes
In this program, students:
Recognize the role income plays in personal finances
Discover the importance of planning their financial decisions
Identify high-dollar items and unexpected costs that require savings
Learn the importance of making and keeping a spending plan
Consider the types of expenditures that might go into a monthly budget
Express the need to make good credit decisions to avoid costly
Assess potential risks to their personal finances
Learn preventative methods to limit potential losses
Delivery of Personal Finance program in BC is generously supported by:
Provincial Partners