Grades 10-12
Learn how to organize and operate an actual business enterprise!
In-school, after-school, or online
Educator-led with the option to include volunteer support (for the after-school program see JA Company Program – After-School)
Instructional time: 10-16 weeks
With the support and guidance of business teachers and volunteer advisors from the local business community (optional), JA Company Program will give secondary school students the knowledge needed to organize and operate an actual business enterprise. Students will learn what risks and rewards come with owning a business, and how to build positive relationships with the community.
While operating their business, participants will sell shares, produce and market a product or service and appoint a management team that best suits their company. They will also learn to maintain and analyze financial records that will help them establish and monitor production and sales goals during the span of the program.
JA Company Program supports the curriculum objectives of a range of subjects including entrepreneurship, marketing, general business, career studies, social studies, mathematics, leadership and co-op.
By the end of JA Company Program, students will understand how to run a successful business enterprise.
Like other JA programs, JA Company Program is curriculum-linked, student-centred and skills-focused. It is facilitated through a partnership of business teachers and qualified business volunteers in weekly one or two-hour sessions over the course of 10-16 weeks. The program can be delivered in-school or offered as an after-school club at no cost to schools or groups.
Students who complete this program are eligible for JABC and JA Canada awards and scholarships.
Key Outcomes
Discover the risks and rewards of starting a business
Systematically solve actual business challenges
Demonstrate the importance of ethical standards in business
Foster positive relationships between youth and business communities
Learn about incorporation and capitalize by selling shares
Impart understanding of teamwork and responsibility
Produce and market a product or service
Gather data, evaluate alternatives and develop a plan
Make effective sales pitches and presentations

Look at some recent JA Company Program ventures

Apiculture makes wooden coasters to educate the community about pollinator protection. (Kamloops)

Bacup creates waterproof covers for your bag or backpack. (Vancouver)

CultureCase celebrates multiculturalism by making pleasingly designed phone cases. (Vancouver)

EcoMesh produces eco-friendly washable, reusable, and biodegradable bags meant to carry produce when grocery shopping. (Burnaby)

Flax Pax
Flax Pax
Flax Pax develops hot/cold packs made from 100% natural burlap, whole flaxseed, and dried lavender.

Hulle creates repurposed leather coffee sleeves.

Juggle is a video game app that entertains youth while also increasing their awareness of the effects of ocean pollution.

Klick Co. is a group of students working together to improve road safety with a bike signalling device that works in addition to hand signals! (Vancouver)

Parabox creates recyclable boxes for every purpose. (Vancouver)

Pauseedivity produces lively plants for your home. All proceeds go to the Vancouver General Hospital for Covid-19 relief. (Vancouver)

Planture is a mobile reminder app that sends users a daily notification with a task on how they can personally contribute to helping the planet. (Vancouver)

Raindrop Bathbombs
Raindrop Bathbombs
Raindrop supplies pre-packaged, high-quality eco-friendly bath bombs at an affordable price. (Vancouver)

Recycled Sounds
Recycled Sounds
Recycled Sounds creates speakers & smartphone accessories using reclaimed wood & locally sourced materials, to improve your media experience. (Kamloops)

ReNotify makes notebooks with washable, reusable pages that work with most washable markers. (North Vancouver)

Sucseed sells seed paper products, planting success, one seed at a time.

Tao Plants
Tao Plants
Tao Plant sells plant kits with basil seeds to continue to promote sustainability. (Vancouver)
Need more inspiration? Check out these previous JA Student Companies that applied for Awards and Scholarships

Delivery of JA Company Program in BC is generously supported by:
Provincial Partners