“Developing financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills are important for all youth and JABC is well positioned to do so effectively. We are especially interested in supporting JABC’s program deliveries directly in Indigenous communities and increasing access to these important programs,” says John Montalbano, long-time supporter and past JA British Columbia Board member, on his motivation for funding JABC.
“We need to encourage all youth to think about careers beyond traditional opportunities if they are to benefit within their communities and from BC’s future economy. JABC empowers and engages youth with interactive programs.”
John Montalbano and his wife Dana Montalbano, along with four other philanthropic families have formed the Economic Futures Council, a group established to meet the educational needs of BC youth now and as educational needs change.
Their investment, which will be paid over three-years, will help increase JA program deliveries by 50% by 2023, a goal based on JABC’s Strategic Plan Bright Futures for all BC’s Youth.
The focus of the Montalbano gift is to support the delivery of JA programs to BC’s Indigenous youth, the fastest growing youth population in Canada. Their gift will help train local Indigenous facilitators to deliver JA programs, placing Indigenous cultures, experiences and values at the core of financial literacy, work-readiness and entrepreneurship programs.
“The Montalbano’s gift to JABC reflects their strong belief that all youth should have the same opportunities,” says Sheila Biggers, President and CEO of JABC. “Their generous support impacts the lives of youth in so many communities throughout BC. We are very thankful for their support.”