“I believe that learning the power of entrepreneurship along with financial literacy gives students skills that will benefit them their whole lives,” says Norm Francis, technology entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Business Laureate of British Columbia inductee (2016), as his reason for supporting JABC.
“Technology is part of our daily lives, and integral to almost every profession and business. Pat and I are especially excited to support the JABC TechWorks initiative which provides an opportunity for students in every corner of B.C. to learn about the wide range of technology-involved careers available to them. Equipped with this knowledge, along with their energy and enthusiasm, anything is possible. As a result, our young people will be better equipped to change the world for the better. Our province and its communities will reap the benefits.”
The Francis Family, along with four other philanthropic families have formed the Economic Futures Council, a group established to meet the educational needs of B.C. youth now and as educational needs change.
Their investment, which will be paid over three-years, will help increase JA program deliveries by 50% by 2023, a goal based on JABC’s Strategic Plan Bright Futures for all BC’s Youth.
The focus of the Francis Family gift is to support the delivery of JABC TechWorks and other JA programs to students all across the province.
“We deeply appreciate the Francis Family’s gifts to JABC,” says Sheila Biggers, President and CEO of JABC. “Their support makes a difference in the lives of B.C. students by exposing them to new tech-related career opportunities and empowering them to make smart decisions about their future. We are very appreciative.”